素材音 ー 工具、鉄加工の音2 (Sound of materials – sounds of tools and iron processing2)


A collection of sounds that are heard when using tools or when processing iron.
Please contact us if you have any opinions or requests such as what kind of sound you want.使用工具或加工鐵時聽到的一組聲音。
공구를 사용했을 때나, 철을 가공할 때에 울리는 소리를 모았습니다.
이런 소리를 갖고 싶은 등 의견・희망하시면 문의해 주세요.

cut a tree with a saw 木をノコギリで切る
cut a tree with a saw2 木をノコギリで切る2
cut a tree with a saw3 木をノコギリで切る3
cut a tree with a saw4 木をノコギリで切る4
cut a tree with a saw5 木をノコギリで切る5
cut things continuously with a cutter カッターで物を連続して切る
cut things with a cutter カッターで物を切る
cut things with a cutter2 カッターで物を切る2
cut wood with a saw 鋸で木を切る
cut wood with a saw2 鋸で木を切る2
cutting wood with electric circular saw 電動丸鋸で木を切る
cutting wood with electric circular saw2 電動丸鋸で木を切る2
cutting wood with electric circular saw3 電動丸鋸で木を切る3
cutting wood with electric circular saw4 電動丸鋸で木を切る4
cutting wood with electric circular saw5 電動丸鋸で木を切る5
fasten with a tool 工具で留め付ける
hang the tools on the wall 工具を壁に掛ける
hang the tools on the wall2 工具を壁に掛ける2
hit the wood with a hammer 木をハンマーで叩く
hit the wood with a hammer2 木をハンマーで叩く2
Hit the tree twice with a hammer 木をハンマーで2回叩く
Hit the tree twice with a hammer2 木をハンマーで2回叩く2
Hit the tree 3 times with a hammer 木を3回ハンマーで叩く
put away tools 工具を雑に置く
put the tools on the floor 工具を床に置く
put the tools on the table 工具を机に置く
tighten with a tool 工具で締め付ける
tick with a tool 工具でカチカチする
Tick quickly with a tool 工具で早くカチカチする
Tool opening sound 工具の開く音

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※It will be a batch download as a zip file.
※它將以 zip 文件的形式批量下載。
※zip 파일에서 일괄 다운로드됩니다.

